Pico Laser for Melasma
on the Face and Chest

The gold standard for melasma treatment.


Melasma is a skin condition that is a sign of photo-aging, meaning it is primarily caused by prolonged sun exposure. It ressembles patches of freckles or gray spots and is common on the face and chest. This skin condition can be very frustrating for patients, but thankfully we offer the gold standard for melasma removal that is safe and effective for all skin types and ethnicities; the pico/Q-switch laser.


Physimed MediSpa, Montreal






30 minutes


3 days maximum

before & after gallery

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Pico/Q-switch lasers send light pulses that pass through the skin and are absorbed by only the pigment in the melasma. This selective absorption allows for a non-ablative treatment of melasma as the light pulse does not affect any other cells in the body. Once absorbed the light pulses mechanically break the pigment into tiny particles that can be easily and naturally flushed out by the body’s immune system. The full treatment also involves other Nd:YAG lasers that will boost collagen production to make the skin even clearer than before. It is a truly comprehensive treatment to melasma.

In a clinical study, patients saw a 90%+ improvement in their melasma after 6 treatments. With a full series of 6-8 sessions, you can expect to see major improvement and almost complete disappearance in melasma with brighter, clearer skin.

During the procedure, we use 4 modalities of pico/Q-switch lasers with multiple passes for each laser. We will pass over the melasma up to 15 times. You will feel some discomfort but it is generally very well tolerated by patients.

There is generally no downtime but patients may have erythema (redness) for up to 3 days and be red and dark in the treatment area for up to one week. We will give you a re-epithelizing cream to be applied throughout recovery to reduce this. Sunscreen, hydration, and protection from UV exposure is also key during the recovery period.

Anyone with melasma can have it removed with our pico/Q-switch laser.

While melasma is mostly found on the face and chest, the pico/Q-switch laser can safely treat anywhere on the body.

Patients may have erythema (redness) for up to 3 days and be red and dark in the treatment area for up to one week. However, there are virtually no risks with the pico/Q-switch laser since it is very safe.

Once the pigment is removed by the laser, it is permanently gone from the body. Thus no maintenance is needed. However, there is still a chance of the patient developing new melasma due to prolonged unprotected sun exposure. As long as the patient applies sunscreen and avoids long period in the sun, the result of this treatment will last and their skin will remain clear in the long-term.

Request a consultation or more information and begin your journey. The Difference is Beautiful.

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