The pico laser is the gold standard for melasma treatment.


Melasma is a photoaging skin condition often found on the face and chest areas that is characterized by brown or blue-gray patches or freckle-like spots. It is a very common aesthetic concern, especially in people of Asian descent, Latin descent, and other ethnicities with more pigment in their skin, and can be very frustrating for patients. It is widely recognized that pico/Q-switch lasers are the ideal tools for effectively removing melasma on any skin type. Our Nd:YAG laser Multipulse Skin Conditioning protocol offers a truly comprehensive solution to melasma with a minimal recovery period.


Physimed MediSpa, Montreal






30 minutes


3 days maximum

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Melasma is a photoaging condition involving a complex interaction between melanocytes, fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and some immunological cells. Etiological factors that contribute to melasma include genetics, electromagnetic radiation (for example UV exposure), contamination (for example airborne particles), hormones, and physical aesthetic procedures that worsen melasma. The main reason is collagen degradation; the collagen synthesis is decreased which can be restored with specific lasers.

Our pico/Q-switch laser light pulse is selectively absorbed by pigment enabling it to break apart pigments only without harming any cells. The laser produces short nano-pico second pulses of intense light that pass harmlessly through the top layers of the skin to be selectively absorbed by the melanin in the melasma. Once absorbed the laser light transforms into photoacoustic waves that mechanically break up the melanin pigment into smaller particles. The body can then naturally remove these small particles with its immune system. This is a safe treatment for all skin types.

Clinical studies report 90%+ improvement in patients’ melasma after 6-8 treatments. The pigment in the melasma disappears and the overall tone and texture of the skin improves as well with the Nd:YAG skin treatments. You may expect brighter, clearer skin almost completely clear of melasma after multiple sessions.

With our complete Nd:YAG Multipulse Skin Conditioning procedure, there are 4 steps with different modalities of the pico/Q-switch laser. Each laser is passed over the treatment area multiple times, for a total of up to 15 passes depending on the patient. The laser can be uncomfortable, however most patients complain about the loud noise the machine makes rather than any pain. The feeling is generally very well tolerated by patients.

After the treatment, patients feel a hot sensation on their skin. We apply cold and re-epithelizing cream to alleviate the discomfort. Patients may experience erythema (redness) for 1-3 days. The treatment area will be red or dark for up to a week. To treat this we prescribe a cream to be applied for the recovery period. Sunscreen, hydration, and avoiding sun exposure is also essential for the healing process.

Anyone with melasma can benefit from this procedure. Pico/Q-switch lasers are safe and effective for all skin types.

This laser treatment is safe for the face and body but melasma is most common on the face and chest areas.

Patients may experience erythema (redness) for 1-3 days post-treatment. The treatment area will be red or dark for up to a week. These effects will fade with cream application and avoiding all sun exposure. The laser treatment is overall very safe so the risks are minimal.

The pico/Q-switch laser is recognized as the most effective treatment option for melasma today. You may need multiple sessions to remove the melasma but once the pigment is destroyed it is generally gone for good. However, afterwards, if the patients are exposed to the sun without protection for long periods of time, new melasma can form again which would require additional treatment. As long as patients apply sunscreen and avoid long periods in the sun, the long term effects of the treatment are excellent and their skin will remain clear.


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